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About Powell

Colin Powell Academy

front of colin powell academy campus

Colin L. Powell K-8 Academy for Success, named after the first African-American United States Secretary of State, opened its campus in September of 1999. Located in the heart of North Long Beach, the K-8 Academy serves a diverse student population. Powell K-8 Academy for Success is designed to meet the educational and social emotional needs of our 21st century students.

One fo Colin Powell's quotes states, "Have a vision. Be demanding." The Powell K-8 Academy for Success supports the LBUSD Vision by preparing future-ready adults, independent collaborators, and equity and inclusion leaders. As staff embrace Restorative Justice practices and GATE strategies, they prepare students to be trustworthy and respectful human beings who are ethical problem solvers and informed global stewards and communicators. With the support of our teachers, staff, families and community partners, our students will be adaptable lifelong scholars, resilient, mindful and thriving self-advocates who experience the joy of life.

District Core Values and Portraits

Students at the Center of the Work

With students at the center of our work, the campus houses an SEL Intervention Center for elementary students, The Nest, and a Wellness Center for middle school students. To provide a systematic monitoring of students' progress through a RTI model, the Coordination of Services Team consists of a school psychologist, counselor, social worker, instruction and intervention coordinator, and administration. In addition to student support teams, our parent engagement and SEL coordinator will support caring relationships amongst our families and community. Our special leadership teams (Instructional Leadership Team, Equity and Excellence Team, the Culture and Climate Team and the Safe and Civil Team) work collaboratively every month to support the social emotional needs of our student body. Likewise, the Grade Level Teams, IIC, Literacy and Math Leads collaborate on Quality Core Instruction to ensure the best academic environment for all students.

Quality Core Instructions

At Powell, students enjoy grassy knolls, an outdoor amphitheater and a state of the art gymnasium. Our campus, equipped with computer labs, a music room and visual arts classroom, prepares students with the soft skills and digital prowess of the 21st Century. 

Powell K-8 Academy for Success follows a traditional school calendar. We challenge students with the Quality Core Instruction by maintaining high expectations for all students to soar with success and be College and Career Ready. Our staff is dedicated to the relentless pursuit of academic and social emotional success, Equity and Excellence and Core Values. Through collective efficacy, we aspire to meet our District Goals. As we establish a system of regular team meetings to improve student learning, the use of the Running Agendas document progress. 

Colin L. Powell

colin l powell

General Colin Powell was the first African-American to serve as U.S. Secretary of State.
Four-star General Colin Powell was the first African-American U.S. Secretary of State, serving under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005. Prior to his service Powell was also the first African-American to serve as Chairman to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, an office he held from 1989 to 1993. But how did young Powell, a C student from the Bronx and a child of Jamaican immigrants, reach the highest military position in the Department of Defense?

While Powell was attending university at City College of New York, he found his calling in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). He graduated to become an Army second lieutenant and later went on to serve two tours in the Vietnam War. In 1989 under President George H. W. Bush, Powell was made a full general, before being named 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Powell is the Founding Chairman of America's Promise Alliance, an organization which supports children through volunteer networks.