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Wellness Center:  

The Powell Wellness Center is a safe space on campus where our students and their families can receive supportive services.  Our goal is to empower our students to promote and manage their own social, emotional, and physical health while striving to support all areas of their lives that may impact their academic potential. Our Wellness Center is student driven and we provide access to trusted adults, local community resources and services such as counseling, community engagement, empowerment workshops, case management and peer-to-peer support. Our Center also supports school staff by providing tools to further understand and motivate students to thrive in the classroom and beyond.

The Wellness Center provides free, confidential services while connecting students, families and staff to vital community resources. The vision is to provide a range of resources to support students and families in meeting the challenges of adolescence through prevention, early-intervention and education, in a safe and convenient place - at school.

Our Wellness Center’s safe and inclusive practices support the academic potential of students  through the promotion of social, emotional, and physical well-being. The Centers provide, (but not limited to) the following interventions and supportive services:

  • Short Term Counseling Services (Individual/Group)

  • Social Service Needs Assessments/Linkages

  • Empowerment/Educational Workshops

  • Peer Mentorship/Counseling

  • Parent Support Groups

  • Student and Family Advocacy & Case Management

  • Special Interest Activities (Art, Mindfulness, Yoga)

  • Basic Needs Closet (Snacks/Toiletries/School Supplies)

  • Community Resources

  • Classroom/Staff Presentations”

Wellness Center Instagram:  @powellacademywellnesscenter

Powell Parent Letter English/Spanish

Social Worker

email icon to email said person
 Herrera, Kariann  

May Calendar